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Best Illustrated Book in Australia Nominees, Part 2

I wanted to attach these lovely covers to my last post, but Blogger was being mischievous this morning, so I gave up. Hopefully it will behave now. These are the five nominations for the Australian Book Industry's (ABIA) Best Illustrated Book in Australia award, as per the last post. These are all beautiful books, so I do hope you'll pick them up next time you're in a bookstore.

I'm so, so thrilled to be included in this prestigious bunch of authors. I don't mind if I don't win. It's just lovely to be considered.

Lastly, a thousand apologies for not being active on the blog of late. It's been an intense few weeks for us. We bought a tiny investment property last week – a little Georgian house – so I've been running around doing the paperwork. (We ummed and ahhed for ages over a little terrace house in South Yarra. But the house was so tiny it wasn't worth the eye-poppingly high price. And RR and I would have had to share a workspace together – and you KNOW how damaging that can be for marriages!) I've also had to finish writing the Picnic book, and get ready to go to New York late next week. For a moment, I thought I might also have to fly to LA and Paris (today) for a week of work, but the idea of flying around the world four times in one month was making me ill. So I stubbornly stayed home. I know! How can a girl turn down Paris? Must be crazy...

But I promise to reply to your beautiful notes soon – and can't wait to catch up on everyone's blogs next week. It will be a lovely respite from sitting in Sydney airport thinking about 18 hours to NY in an economy seat...


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